More informations about Shield Compact

The wide-range communal air purifier

Viruses, odours, allergens, pollutants and contaminants: nothing resists Shield®, the wide-range professional air purifier.
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The wide-range communal air purifier

Viruses, odours, allergens, pollutants and contaminants: nothing resists Shield®, the wide-range professional air purifier.
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A Shield to protect your health

Shield®, the professional-grade air purifier, works like an invisible buffer, protecting you from airborne nuisances. Viruses, pollutants, odours and allergens that enter Shield’s action area are immediately neutralised and then eliminated, creating a real living bubble all around you.

With Shield®, you can breathe in perfectly pure, healthy air to protect your health and the health of those around you.

your high-performance protector

Reduce the impact of allergies by destroying allergenic proteins. Tests carried out by an independent laboratory according to the protocol of the NFB44-200 standard. Following the aerosolization (continuous projection) of allergenic proteins (Cat, Mite and Pollen), the results show the destruction of 79 to 96% of these proteins in 10 minutes.

Tested by an independent lab.

  • Allergens
  • Contaminants
  • Pollutants
  • Odors

+ infos

  • Performances

  • Design - Janus de l'Industrie Award 2021

  • Selected and supported by ADEME

  • Specifications

  • Documentation


Smart Mineralisation®

The unique technology developed by JVD was built on several processes which, when combined,
offer outstanding results and guarantee the device is perfectly harmless.

Captures & destroys molecules to recover purified air

Smart Mineralisation®

Those technologies are combined to implement an ultra-filtration sequence and two advanced oxidation sequences. Particulate matter is captured through the ultra-filter, partially composed of a HEPA H13 filter, and then destroyed via advanced oxidation processes which modify the molecules’ carbon chain.
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End-to-end design
of Shield®

  • Eco-designed
    with love

    Our solution protects not only human health but also the environment, thanks to its design which prioritises easily recyclable materials like steel, a technology that uses no consumables and requires no filter replacements, the elimination of plastic from all its packaging and its guarantee to be serviceable for at least 10 years.

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  • Created by
    a master

    Ramy Fischler, founder of the RF Studio agency, was named Designer of the Year in 2018 and was awarded the Order of Arts and Letters by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication in 2016.

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  • An easy way to
    achieve better health

    The intuitive interface on Shield® features two modes (Continuous and Boost), making it easy for you to have complete control over your air quality. Its technology adapts to the pre-selected size of your room.

Janus de l’Industrie 2021
award for excellence
Rewards innovative solutions that
improve our daily lives on a lasting basis.

Technology that
meets the most
demanding standards

ensuring its harmlessness and
very high performance levels.

  • NF B44-200
  • EN 16846-1
  • ISO 16000-37
  • EN 1822
  • ISO 16897

NF B44-200

Purifiers on bacteria, mould, VOC and allergens :
NF B44-200 measures the effects of air purifiers on bacteria, mould, VOC and allergens. It is one of the most comprehensive standards, guaranteeing the quality of an air purifier.

An air purifier that inspires confidence!

We spent eight months testing JVD’s technology in our animal houses in order to evaluate its use as part of our biosafety system. The goal was to assess its protective effects on the state of health of our environment and, by extension, of our animals. The results in relations to viruses, bacteria and parasites were promising enough to issue a joint communication at the AFSTAL 2021 conference on laboratory animal sciences and techniques, and we are delighted to be continuing our collaboration with JVD.

Kévin DHONDT Veterinarian, PhD in Virology, Director of Animal Health & Welfare , Charles River RMS France

All the quality of French-made products

Made in France

  • JVD’s industrial expertise

    Our entire range was conceived of and designed at our plants in Rezé (near Nantes) by our teams of hygiene specialists.

  • A collective commitment

    Most of the components are manufactured in France, thanks to commitments made with our local suppliers.

purificateur d’air professionnel


Transport trolley

Discover the Shield Transport trolley for a mobile purification solution. Design by Ramy Fischler and Made in France.

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Shield Compact®

The convenient, lightweight Shield Compact® is here for you throughout your day, offering you pure, clean air, both at work and at home.

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We’ve thought of everything
to help you talk about Shield®!

We have stickers, posters and more, all simple, convenient and ready-to-use tools to inform your employees, customers and patients that your premises are now fitted with a powerful air purifier!
  • Educational poster

  • “Here, air is purified for your health” sticker

  • “Purified air” logo

Shield in the press!

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Air that is pure and much more!